01) IOP LENS April Events

Following the organization’s successful Wild Child Triathlon on Feb. 25, the Isle of Palms LENS Foundation will be back hosting three community events in April in the spirit of connecting law enforcement with community members. Be sure to mark these dates on your calendars.

April 9: Famed author Prioleau Alexander will headline the this LENS Leadership Series session at the Isle of Palms Exchange Club, starting at 6 p.m. As a marine veteran and noted adventurer, Alexander will entertain guests with his sharp wit and recollections of his global journeys through several Spaniard destination sites, including Pamplona and Camino de Santiago.

April 13: All are welcome to attend the “Suddenly in Command” presentation, from 9-11 a.m. at the Isle of Palms Exchange Club. The gathering is a boating safety primer to help passengers prepare for emergencies, such as a captain falling ill or tumbling overboard. Mishap prevention will be a major area of focus of this IOP LENS Saturday event.

April 20: Local kids are invited to partake in the IOP LENS “Bike Rodeo” at the Sullivan’s Island Elementary School, from 10 a.m.-noon. The bike safety and education tutorial will include a food station, obstacle course, a helmet/bike sizing station and mechanical station.

To register for these community happenings, visit www.lensiop.org/programs.

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